We lettering-type people see things a little differently sometimes. This was a design I'd had in mind for some time, and finally got together for a Christmas gift this year.
A couple who are some of my dearest friends have these names that a) work in crossword form, and b) are perfectly symmetrical when they do. Amazing! First I drew the letters in Roman caps with a pointed pen, then the ampersand with a broad nib, then mashed them up on PSE9 (BTW the stuff I learned in
Harvest Crittenden's"Photoshop for Calligraphers" online class saved me
countless hours this holiday season--take it next time it's offered!). The finished design was uploaded to
zazzle and applied to a set of lovely and useful sandstone coasters.
(Of course, etched on glass and without the ampersand, the design would be completely reversible! I'm just saying. Welcome to the calligrapher's mind...)