This was my entry to the Graceful Envelope Contest, which is co-sponsored by the Washington Calligraphers Guild and the National Association of Letter Carriers. The theme was the letter "D", and the entries had to be mailable and postmarked. It's mostly pen (G-tec, Slicci, Pitt) and pencil. The texture of the paper did some cool things to the shading, completely serendipitously. The "D" is Finetec gold, burnished and tooled. Of course, this scan was pre-mailing so I have no idea how it looked by the time it arrived!
The results are out and my amazingly talented friend
Ruth Korch won Best in Show!!! No doubt you've seen some of her other winning envelopes online and on magazine covers, like this:
Ruth Korch
and this:
Ruth Korch |
Ruth's, and the other winning envelopes will be posted
here beginning August 8, and for those of you in the DC area, on display beginning in September in the lobby of the National Association of Letter Carriers building. Can't wait to see the fantastic array of creativity this event elicits! Congrats to all for postal awesomeness.